Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sick and Tired!!

well mainly just tired of being sick!!

Let me sum up the past 4 days of my life starting with

Saturday... woke up with what I thought was an allergy attack so I took a tylenol allergy and that was that. nose was still a little runny but no biggy. julian and I went out and got his pictures taken came home all was well. what i thought were "bad allergies" started acting up again that night and so i took another tylenol and called it a night. I felt a little extra cold when i was going to bed bt didn't think much of it.

Sunday... woke up to feed julian in the middle of the night.. chills... head ache... achey all over... went back to sleep. woke up again and knew something was very very wrong and normally i would have just rode it out but since i have a 2 month old i was a little more concerned. i got my flu shot!!! so it couldn't be!! i was hoping for a sinus infection... NOPE.. the flu. so i got my meds, tried to lysol everything down in the house, and wore my mask so i wasn't breathing on my baby. I felt bad but i've had the flu worse so i wasn't that concerned and i knew that with one days rest i would be good to go

Monday... couldn't work but we still Julian to the babysitter so he wasn't around my germs and so i could get some rest. I was feeling fine. I got some good rest. Then jerry brought julian home and he was off to work. Things do not seem to go well for me when Jerry goes to work. all of a sudden the fever that had been gone all day was back. i was cold one min and burning up the next and my baby was mr. fussy. My ear started hurting but i thought i was just drainage. Well gradually i realized it was definitely more than drainage. I was in some pretty major pain by 7 or 8 when i laid Julian down. Jerry got off early and brought home some ear drops. by the time he got there the pain had mulitiplied. we tried all the remedies and by around 10 i couldn't stand it. by 11 i seriously thought i was dying....

Tuesday... jerry and julian took me the emergency room by 12. i'm not sure why they even call it and "emergency" room. i sat in the waiting room crying and shaking for an hour before they called me back to take my temp and blood pressure. then they gave me a motrin and sent me back to wait for another hour. why couldn't they have seen me shaking and crying when i was signing in and asked a couple questions and given me the motrin then?? WHO KNOWS!! 30 mins i was feeling a little relief from the motrin. finally saw the doc and just a bad ear infection. so anitbiotics and some pain meds and i'm done and home by 3:15ish. I went to sleep and Jerry fed Julian but he wouldn't go back to sleep so he finally came and got me at 4:30 to see if i could "work my magic." I was rocking him and all of a sudden the pain was back with a vengence.. next was a sizzling/bubbling feeling in my ear (painful) and then a shreiking sound and i thought it was going to explode and i almost had to scream but then there was a pop and a gush of warm air sound/feeling... then major drainage coming out of the ear. so i got my baby to sleep and went back to sleep myself. we took Julian to the babysitter around 8 and picked up yet another couple perscriptions. feeling so much better. ear just feels clogged up but not too painful as long as i stay on top of my pain meds. it was still popping and sizzling and draining a whole lot but even the pharmacist said that was a good sign. well jerry leaves for work and imagine that, things just go down the drain. nothing painful but the drainage turned to bloody drainage and so that got me a little concerned so i started trying to look it up on line and calling around asking some people what they thought. all said to call a doc. so i called and they said, come in immediately!! so my 3rd waiting room in 3 days. JOYFUL i tell ya! but and hour and 1/2 later.. ruptured ear drum. another diagnosis another perscription. so hopefully i'm on my way up now! if nothing else, I am definitely medicated :) I"m going to work tomorrow!! yay! So i better go to bed while my baby is sleeping away up there.

Thank the Lord for doctors, pharmacies, babysitters, loved ones, and friends.


caroldock said...

CALL ME! if you ever need me to come be with julian or something...

Melissa said...

Dang girl...I hope you are feeling better soon!

miles3_17 said...

Anything new going on. I'll be in Texas this weekend, fri-monday. Wish you lived a little closer. Hope you and little man are feeling good. Talk to you soon.