Thursday, October 29, 2009


1. julian is walking everywhere. trying to run
2. julian is going to be Spider Man for halloween!! whew hew!!
3. his two top front teeth are the biggest (cutest) baby teeth i've ever seen
4. his birthday is coming up soon.. invites are ready.. Dec. 5th. Be There!
5. he is definitely improving his "momma" and his "bye bye" . he's had his "dada" down for a while
6. he is getting a bit of a fro going on
7. he's loves to swing
8. he can shoot baskets!! in desperate need of a bigger goal for him cuz his is for when he was barely sitting. :) so he more like hover's it now
9. speaking of baskets.. Kansas Basketball is starting next week!!! ROCK CHALK
10. both bff's are prego at the same time again- Kel in January and Mandy in May
11. no ESL stipend next year. boo to budget cuts

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