Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Julian, Oh Julian!!


Chaos is now 4 months and 38 pounds. He's a big guy. Very cute but definitely living up to his name.
So blood test revealed Julian has an allergy to milk, cheese, and egg whites. Boy we have had a great time lately trying to figure out anything this baby will eat. First of all he was already a very picky eater and now adding this to the mix, cut out a lot of the foods he actually would eat. Needless to say, we are still learning and reading every label in the store. Hopefully we will get an appointment with a nutritionist at Texas Children's soon. We just want to make sure we are doing everything possible for him to get all the nutrients and all that he needs.

Here is a video of our little guy. While picking up poop, I discoverd he obviously learned how to climb up the slide and go down alone. So I saw him and I rushed over because it is obviously not the safest thing for a 16 month old to be doing alone. So I would help (spot) him and then let him slide down by himself. Keep in mind he did this very successfully three times before I went to get my camera to record him. Well I hope everyone doesn't think I am the worst mother ever after watching this but also keep in mind that he was and is JUST FINE!!


miles3_17 said...

LOoL, that won't be the first or last of those!

sowlee said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Also, girl, that's nothin!