Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome to Scentsy!!

I am officially a Scentsy independent consultant. I am really excited about it. I love the product and I think I am not alone. I'm not looking to get rich quick or anything I just think it's a great product that people like so I can share it with people and see where it goes. I couple of my friends have been selling it for a while and they are both doing very well with it. Please check out the product at my website:
Everything else is going great. We've been back to school for a week. Getting back on a schedule has helped Julian tremendously. Me...well not so much. I am not doing so well with waking up early AND having to get ready and work all day. errrr!! This past week our school had 16 or so student teachers from Wisconsin and I had a new teacher every day. This is happening for 2 weeks!! yikes!! I haven't been able to get anything done. I hope I can catch up on my lesson plans some day. I was also launching the "Biggest Loser Teams" at our school on Friday. I had 32 people sign up and I think most are pretty excited about it. I am excited about it also and I seem to be a good motivater to people but not so good to myself seems like. I need to get on track that's for sure. So needless to say I had a busy week and I'm sure the week coming up isn't going to slow down much. I received my Scentsy starter kit Thursday night so I have had a "crash course" this weekend reading everything and trying to get some training so I can begin the business.

Julian is doing great. He is still NOT drinking milk. We attempt to give it to him every few days now and he still spits it out. Thankfully he LOVES yogurt. Pretty much every kind. (no rasberry pear yogurt though.. i'll admit it was nasty)
A few Julian updates:
no milk
talking a lot more
he says more, all done, and eat in sign language
he can tell you where his mouth is and his hair and he attempts the nose but he always hits his mouth so we're working on that
this cold weather one day warm the next freezing the next... has really got his skin dry dry .. his excema is no joke right now. thinking about taking him to the peditrician tomorrow
his words: momma, dada, bye bye, ball, and today he shouted Jesus very clear
no matter what he is doing if he hears any music (tv, ringtone, ANYTHING) he must stop to dance. he loves praise and worship at church. he was clapping and raising his hands like everyone else today. he had everyone around very entertained.

i guess that's about it. hope everyone is well. we are looking forward to our trip to dallas this coming up weekend to see all our peeps. then in one month julian and i are flying to Kansas to see Kel, Brett, and Kaden and we get to meet Brooks!! And we get to see everyone else too i'm sure and i'm very much looking forward to it.

k, bye

1 comment:

caroldock said...

lemme know when you are trained and ready to have a scentsy party and i will host one for you!!!