Sunday, December 21, 2008

2 weeks 2 days

Just wanted to post a quick little update. Julian is doing great. He eats great, sleeps great, and just chills the other moments that he's not sleeping or eating. He rarely fusses. His fusses have a specific purpose and once his needs are met, he's good to go. He might have a small case of the "spoiled little boy." He likes to be held. He sleeps very very well in our arms and then it doesn't take him long to realize when he has been abandoned in a crib/bassenet. I know!! How sad that I would even consider laying him down :). We have had so many people around holding him (mostly Jerry and I) that it's pointless to try to train this little boy. Especially until Christmas is over and he doesn't have everyone holding him 24/7.
Well that's our little update. Wish me luck on becoming "Baby Wise." I'm going to do it!! I am I am!! Good luck to me!


miles3_17 said...

What's Baby Wise? Sorry I havent talked to you in the last couple days, I will call soon. Family is rolling in so we're getting busy and Brett is gone, so super busy. I cant wait for Christmas and then I cant wait to come see you! Take care.

caroldock said...

DO NOT stress out with the BabyWise!!!!!!! I cannot yell that loud enough!!! I do like aspects of it and those aspects worked for us, but my only advice is to not treat it as the be all/end all and get frustrated with yourself when it doesn't work exactly like she says it will!