Thursday, November 20, 2008

2 weeks notice!

It's crazy to think that 2 weeks (14 days!!!) from now, I could have my Julian here. I am really hoping that he does make his grand entry into the world on December 4th. When I was told by one doctor that I will probably have him the first week in December I automatically wanted it to be on the 4th. December 4th is a very special day for me and my family because that was my Dad's bday. Since Julian will never get to meet my dad I think it would be perfect if he could share that special day with my dad. He also gets to share his name. Travis was my dad's first name and that will be Julian's middle name. Anyways, it will be a special day no matter when he makes his arrival.

2 weeks!! yay


Anonymous said...

That birthday would be so special!

caroldock said...

WOW!!! 2 weeks - I am jealous, but I also want to come visit when the baby is born -- if Sally is on the list of peeps to call, just tell her to call me next, k?

sowlee said...

wow. 2 weeks and your world will never be the same.