Julian was 9 months on Sept. 5th. We had a great Labor Day weeknd. We traveled to Rotan for a family reunion and had a great time with the gang. Jerry and I decided to start out Friday about the time Julian would be getting sleepy. It was a great idea because Julian slept the whole 7 hours there and then a few more when we got there. Not so great for Jerry and I being awake the next day :). We got in around 3 and didn't get hardly any sleep but we managed to have a great time the next day with countless games of volleyball, softball, kickball, basketball, etc... We came back on Sunday afternoon. Julian took a great nap but then he was awake. He doesn't seem to be a fan of his car seat after 4 hours awake in it. To make a long story short we got 15 mins from home with a sleepy sleepy baby that was TIRED of being in his car seat and we ended up having a car seat, back seat, a baby, and a mommy covered in PUKE!! fun times!! Car seat, back seat, baby,and mommy are clean now and all is well. :)
Julian had his 9 month appointment on Tuesday morning. He weighed in at 22 lbs 9 oz, he is 31 inches long, and his head is still in the 95th percentile. So we are so thankful to have such a healthy happy baby boy. Here are a couple videos I took one day this week after school. He is such a hoot to hang out with. I love being this little guy's mommy.
Video 1: Just a little bit of Julian and Odis playing together. Notice he stands alone now. They didn't know I was in the kitchen with the camera. Of course Odis thought he was alone so the video ends with Odis steeling some of Julian's treats off the table.
Video 2: Julian is a big dancer these days. It started with a singing toy but now he'll dance to anything- even his mommy being silly. I can not seem to get a video of him really "gettin it" but this is just a sneek peek of his dancing. :)